Letter to Kenneth Clarke, MP, January 2011
The following letter was posted to Kenneth Clarke - Minister of Justice in January 2011 Open letter to Kenneth Clarke � Minister of Justice Subject line; request for a meeting For the personal attention of: The Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke MP Ministry of Justice 102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ
Dear Minster
I draw your attention to a letter from Mr. Ponan at the Home Office Drug Strategy Unit - Crime and Policing Group Drug (Ref: T14047/10 16th Sept 2010)which was sent in response to the Legalise Cannabis Alliance letter of June 9th 2010 to yourself requesting a meeting with you in your capacity as Justice Minister. (See notes below for letters).
Considering Home Office policy is to respond to enquiries from the public within 20 working days to take three months to respond is clearly not good practice!
We would like once again to request a meeting with you personally And would appreciate it if you could ask you diary secretary to Reshuffle you engagements and find a slot in the not-to-distant future To meet with a delegation from the Legalise Cannabis Alliance to Discuss our concerns on the current government policy of total prohibition of the cannabis plant � including:
a: Reviewing the status of cannabis under Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act
b: Reviewing the ABC Classification of cannabis under Schedule 2 of The Misuse of Drugs Act.
c: A value-for-money evaluation of current strategies under trial Funded by the Ministry of Justice from it�s budget specifically allocated to support the government's anti-drug strategy.
I will conclude by reminding you that it is estimated that there are 4 To 7 million UK voters that use cannabis who are part of the �Big Society� and it is our primary concern that they are treated justly.
We look forward to meeting at your earliest convenience
Kind Regards Don Barnard pp The Legalise Cannabis Alliance
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