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UK: Campaigners gather for cannabis picnic in Southsea

Ben Fishwick

The News, Portsmouth

Saturday 13 Sep 2014

CAMPAIGNERS have gathered in Southsea for a cannabis awareness picnic.

The event, which has been criticised by public health officials, has attracted campaigners and families young and old.

Eric Head, 39, from Portsmouth, went to the original Smokey Bear’s Picnic on Southsea Common in 1994.

Today he said: ‘It’s raising awareness of the stupid laws that govern this country.

‘It’s changing all over Europe and America, it’s about this time this country takes the social issues and legalises it.’

Around 40 people have turned up so far with more expected at 4.20pm, a time associated with cannabis culture.

Hampshire police said it would respond to a request for comment on Monday.




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