Could cannabis be a source of vital cash?
Source: Letter in Evening News, Norwich
Date: 20 May 1992
Author: Tina Smith
RECENTLY I have seen letters in the Evening News and articles in the Press about the legalisation of cannabis.
I have also seen many reports of starving people, in particular the adults and children of Africa.
It has occurred to me that cannabis has not been shown to be as harmful as legal and prescribed drugs like tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis, which basically grows worldwide as a prolific weed, could be grown as a cash crop by these people for export to the rich western world.
The income generated from this could be used to purchase some of the excess food produced by the West and presently stored or destroyed.
This could feed many millions of these downtrodden and presently helplessly suffering people.
Can someone please explain why this idea has not been discussed, or mentioned at all, by our politicians, who certainly appear concerned by this worldwide disaster?
Mrs C Smith
Hunter Road