Tragic end for Jason

Source: Evening News, Norwich, UK

Pub Date: Wednesday, 29 November 2000

Author: The Technical Officer



I was please to read your story headlines "Tragic End for Jason" (Nov 27th) and see that the article had been treated fairly and the mother's views aired.

I was, however, not so impressed by the editorial opinion that came along with it. The gateway from cannabis to other drugs does exist - it is undeniable.

The illegal nature of cannabis means users come into contact with hard drug dealers. We have had 80 years of drug prohibition and, in that time, many people have been introduced to hard drugs because, and only because, soft drug dealers can sell them something harder.

You do not have to condone drug use to see that the only way to control drugs (which we all want) is to fully legalise and regulate them.

The Technical Officer

Pembroke Road
