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Letter: Labour refuses to budge on cannabis reform

Alun Buffry, Legalise Cannabis Alliance

Daily Express

Thursday 06 Sep 2001

In your report on your NOP poll on the decriminalisation of cannabis
("Most back cannabis reforms", Daily Express, September 3), you
correctly state that home Secretary David Blunkett has called for an
"adult, intelligent debate" on the issue. However, last week in
Sheffield the Home Secretary reiterated the New Labour stance that there
will be no change in the law and hit had no plans to legalise any drugs.

So why does Mr Blunkett want a debate when the result will in any case
be ignored by the Government?

Labour has made it clear it does not want a Royal Commission because, it
says, it would not legalise cannabis even if a commission recommended
it. It has already ignored recommendations on cannabis use from the
House of Lords Select Committee and the Police Foundation.

It is time we asked the government what its true motives are for such a
stance against easing the law in the face of both public and expert
opinion. People no longer believe that it is to protect health.

Alun Buffry
Legalise Cannabis Alliance




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