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Germany Unveils Draft Bill To Legalize Cannabis

Dario Sabaghi


Monday 10 Jul 2023

Germany's government is taking steps toward the legalization of cannabis by publishing the draft bill for the first pillar of a two-pillar model designed to dismantle prohibition policies.

German's Ministry of Health published on July 5 the long-waited draft bill to regulate the use of cannabis for personal use, home growing, and the establishment of cannabis growers' associations designed similarly to the cannabis social clubs' model.

The proposed legislation aims to address the first pillar of a comprehensive two-pillar model that will put an end to cannabis prohibition in the European country.

Under the draft bill, adults aged 18 and above will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal use and cultivate a maximum of three plants. However, the consumption of cannabis in the "immediate vicinity" of individuals under 18, within a 200-meter radius of schools, children's and youth facilities, playgrounds, publicly accessible sports facilities, and pedestrian zones between 7 am and 8 pm, will remain prohibited. It's important to note that fines and criminal charges will continue to be imposed for specific unlawful activities.

The draft bill also laid the foundations for the establishment of cannabis growers' associations (Anbauvereinigungen).

The proposed legislation allows an association to accept up to 500 members. Each member belonging to the association is eligible to receive either 25 grams per day or 50 grams per month for personal use. Additionally, associations have the authority to supply each member with a maximum of seven seeds per month, which can be imported, or five cuttings per month.




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