Source: Daily Sport, UK

Pub Date: Monday, 8 April 2002

Subj: UK: We Salute Our Brave Daily Sport

Cited: Legalise Cannabis Alliance,

Comment: The Daily Sport is a soft porn daily newspaper with no contact details on e-mail or web



BRITAIN'S only pro-cannabis political party gave a massive vote of support to the Daily Sport yesterday - for backing the campaign to legalise the drug.

The Legalise Cannabis Alliance, which has been battling to get the law changed, welcomed the influential backing of the Sport in calling for pot to be made freely available.

Spokesman Don Barnard said: "We are extremely grateful to the Sport - they are doing a fantastic job of telling people the truth about cannabis.

"With a national newspaper behind us, we know it is only a matter of time before the law is changed."

Home Secretary David Blunkett is expected shortly to announce permanent relaxation in the laws governing the growing and use of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes.

The pro-cannabis lobby claims that legalising the drug could also have a dramatic and beneficial effect on farming and the rural economy.

There are an estimated none million cannabis users in the UK and the potential market for home-grown varieties is enormous, according to Mr Barnard.

He said: "It is the perfect crop for farmers - it grows extremely quickly just like a weed and does not need any herbicides or insecticides.


"Trials have already proved that cannabis can be grown successfully in this country and now it is a question of growing it commercially. It could do wonders for the economy - especially if, as suspected, the Government makes it legal and taxes it."

The LCA, which has a membership of around 2000, put up a dozen candidates at the last Election but failed to harvest many votes.

But recent events in London - where police now allow cannabis to be sampled openly in the streets - have encouraged the party to fight on for wider liberalisation.

There is talk of members standing for local council elections and even a bid to get one of their supporters into the European Parliament. Chairman Alun Buffry said: "Cannabis is a highly beneficial herb with wide medical and social benefits.

"We are still campaigning for it to be recognised by all other political parties."

Information on the LCA can be found at their website: