Source: York Press
Date: February 15 2007
Author: Steve Clements
SO what does David Cameron suggest his party do regarding cannabis?
Return it to a class B drug, the same status it held when he chose to ignore
the law 25 years ago.
Not one Government in the last 40 years has managed to reduce drug use, in fact
this sham of the law has seen year-on-year increases ever since.
Mr Cameron suggests he regrets smoking cannabis. Well, he's bound to now,
knowing the ridiculous furore surrounding these revelations.
To use the drug issue as a party political football to try and secure those
crucial votes must be some kind of sick joke, while even Dr John Reid and many
other politicians suggest these revelations are a "so what?" moment.
I wonder how many bright young lives have been wrecked, not by any harm that
cannabis can do, but by the stigmatising of their lives through school
expulsion or a criminal record?
Oh well, at least the Home Secretary can advise any 15-year-olds to say:
"So what?" if they get caught with cannabis at school.
What a farce.
Steve Clements, The Legalise Cannabis Alliance,