Source:  Zoo Weekly, UK

Pub Date: Saturday 24 January, 2004


Cited: Legalise Cannabis Alliance,


CANNABIS is declassified next week, as reports link the drug with psychosis.  Got any skins?

Dope will be downgraded from a class B to a class C drug next week, but for the thousands who have used the drug it won’t be a cause for a celebratory cannabis cake.  Killjoy researchers this week claimed that 80 per cent of new psychosis patients admitted to inner city hospitals have a history of cannabis use.

Robin Murray, a professor at the Institute of Psychiatry , who took part in the research, said: “A tenth of people who use cannabis by 15 in our sample developed schizophreniform disorder by age 25, compared with three per cent of the remaining cohort.

“This is now the number one problem facing the mental health services in inner cities.”

But according to Don Barnard of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, the study is just a scare tactic.  He said: “There are 4.5 million cannabis users in the UK, the vast majority of whom have never experienced any such problems.

“Fatty food is bad for you.  Does that mean it should be illegal?”

Log on to and let us know what you think.  Should cannabis be reclassified?  A) Yes b) Definitely yes c) Stop asking all these questions, man.



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