Cannabis Needs To Be Classed As Tobacco

Source: Letters, The Citizen, Gloucester

Author: Mike Cottee

Section: News people

Date: 13 Jul 2002


Cannabis Needs To Be Classed As Tobacco

Sir - A golden opportunity to finally separate the line of supply between cannabis, which the Government's medical experts now confirm is less harmful than tobacco or alcohol, and hard drugs has been lost in a complete hash fudge by the Government.

Ian Duncan-Smith passed comment that there are only two real ways of dealing with cannabis - a Swedish-style clampdown, which the country cannot afford and which, according to all opinion polls, the public do not want.

The second option is full legalisation, bringing supply and distribution within a legal framework in the same way as alcohol and tobacco, providing employment and raising taxes for essential services.

My party tends to agree, but while his party supports the first choice, my party supports the more logical option two.

The drug problem in this country is crack-cocaine and heroin. It is these evil drugs that are tearing this country apart - not cannabis.

Let's bring cannabis under control. Let's break that supply link with harder drugs. Let's have licensed outlets selling to over-18s only, and supplying medical-users at reduced rates.

The Government's option is the worst possible - it leaves supply in the black market, where at least a proportion of dealers will also be happy to supply crack or heroin.

Medical experts deny the long-held idea that cannabis leads to hard drugs.

In fact, they say the risk, if any, is less than that of alcohol and tobacco. But while the same dealers are supplying cannabis and hard drugs, there will be a gateway which needs to be closed.

Let's stand up for future generations. Let's get this issue sorted once and for all.

Mike Cottee

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