(taken from The Report of the FCDA, Europe)

This fibre from post-mature cannabis plants, being subjected to the 1924 patented Cottonisation or Dresden Process (a simple and cheap cold-chlorification technique) is thereby transformed to yield a level-dyeing, soft and lustrous fibre, in all physical resects indistinguishable form cotton. Before Prohibition of Cannabis, Dresden 'Cotton' came profitably onto the market, but was considerably less that half the price of the cheapest kinds of cotton [Staatliches Material Prufungsant 1924]. Without the illegitimate protection of Prohibition, to fulfill demand of a normal market, production of Dresden Cotton would eliminate profitability, and therefore commercial cultivation, of cotton.


During the 1924 conference, the delegate from the British Crown Colony of Egypt produced a statement containing absurd allegations against cannabis. ....

However, at this point a conference stalemate and breakdown impended. None of the delegations were prepared to see the potential treaty founder upon a rock of temperament to return home empty-handed. Egypt's participation was essential. Although at that time not an exporter, Egypt's colonial opium traders had the potential to disrupt the new treaty-derived market arrangements rendering them worthless before they had a chance to take hold. Without unanimity the unregulated trade seemed certain to continue and proliferate in a way which would bring no concentration of its financial activity. As quid pro quo for his cooperation on opium, the Egyptian delegate got what he wanted: cannabis availability was to be restricted like opium, to "medical and scientific" applications. Overall Prohibition was adopted.

By this wholly unscientific, and negligent bureaucratic debacle - on no justifiable grounds whatever - unlawful national and international Cannabis Prohibition was initiated. It should not escape attention that at that moment and by those measure, the major Egyptian currency earning cotton fibre cash crop was secured a future of guaranteed prosperity, free from the competition of cannabis hemp and Dresden Cotton.


As a member of the Empire, Egypt had immediate access through the UK to all markets available to the British.

The British delegate abstained in the vote to ban cannabis.

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